December 2006

3 Tips on Giving

3 Tips - Giving This Season
This month’s topic is on Giving This Season. During the holidays, we are inundated with companies and organizations asking us to give. How do you know if your money is getting to the people who really need it?

Pointing, Clicking, and Buying Away to a Happier Holiday

Pointing, Clicking, and Buying Away to a Happier Holiday
In a not too distant past, I dreaded the drive to the crowded mall in hopes of finding some great sales for my holiday shopping. While my memory is a bit fuzzy, I have worked really hard on blocking out this traumatic experience, I do remember the […]

CLIENT SPOTLIGHT: Non-Profit - Asha for Education

CASE STUDY: Asha for Education
Industry/Sector: Non-profit, charity, philonthropic organization
Time period: 11 years
Programming Languages: PHP, HTML/DHTML, Javascript, Perl
Database: MySQL
Environment: LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP
Crystal Coding Concepts has been involved with the design and development of much of the Asha for Education website since the mid-1990’s.