CLIENT SPOTLIGHT: Non-Profit - Asha for Education
CASE STUDY: Asha for Education
Industry/Sector: Non-profit, charity, philonthropic organization
Time period: 11 years
Programming Languages: PHP, HTML/DHTML, Javascript, Perl
Database: MySQL
Environment: LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP
Crystal Coding Concepts has been involved with the design and development of much of the Asha for Education website since the mid-1990’s.
The robust online donation system keeps track of donations made to over 70 chapters for hundreds of different projects. In addition, it keeps track of donations made for events like a 5k run/walk, a concert fundraiser, or a marathon.
A tremendous amount of data mining is available on projects by:
Other features developed on the site include maps that are generated dynamically based on project location in a database, content management systems (CMS), donations by chapter / event / project / person, and donor/customer relations management systems (CRM).
Asha for Education was rated a 4 star organization by Charity Navigator.
Filed under: December 2006
Crystal Coding Concepts wrote an interesting post today on CLIENT SPOTLIGHT: Non-Profit - Asha for EducationHere’s a quick excerpt Asha for Education was rated a 4 star organization by Charity Navigator….Crystal Coding Concepts has been involved with the design and development of much of the Asha for Education website since the mid-1990’s…